2008年11月25日 星期二

Rule 5 Strategy

RaysProspects看到這篇clips, 解釋因為rule 5的特殊規定, 在季未考慮放甚麼人和放多少人進40-man roster不是件簡單的事。為避名好的球員被rule 5選走, 第一個想法當然是把所有人都放到40-man之內, 但同時這也會影響到季未很多的球員異動。

DePodesta原文有說到, 現在提交的40-man roster一般會預留幾個空位(例如Rays今年的名單上只有39人), 方便在11月中deadline後, 直到12月rule 5 draft之前, 期間即使交易了球員或簽下FA還能夠放進名單內, 不然就必需把原本在名單內的人除名, 然後承受他們被draft走的風險了。

今年full 40-man rosters的隊伍有Blue Jays, Marlins, Orioles, Pirates, Rockies, Royals和Yankees, 這7隊球隊因為名單內沒有空缺, 所以也不能在R5D裡選人。

The San Diego Padres' Paul DePodesta provides some interesting considerations: These can be tricky decisions. On the one hand, you'd like to protect as many players as possible. However, on the other hand you have to anticipate roster moves that could happen between now and Opening Day in 2009. How many spots may we need for Major League free agents? How many players could we potentially outright or non-tender? Do we want to leave some spots open for potential waiver claims? Another part of the game is whether or not you think a certain player would, in fact, get selected in the draft AND if you think that player has the ability to stick in the Majors for the season. Sometimes teams will protect a lesser prospect simply because he has a greater chance of being taken or even because of organizational needs/depth going forward.

When weighing the risk of a player getting taken, it can be counterintuitive. It would seem logical that the best way to protect a player would be to put him on the 40-man roster. That is often, but not always, the case. Sometimes, for players who are borderline roster considerations, you may be safer by leaving him OFF the 40-man. The reason is that if he's taken in the Rule V, he has to stay in the Majors or else be offered back. However, if for some reason (add a free agent, add someone through trade, need someone during the season due to injury) you need to add a player to the 40-man at a later date, you may be forced to outright someone to make room. When you outright a first year roster player, he still has all of his minor league options, so teams can claim him and send him right into their minor league system. In short, it's much easier to lose a player trying to remove him from the 40-man than it is to lose him via the Rule V draft.

Explaining "Rule 5 Draft"

這幾個blog都很簡潔地介紹了甚麼是Rule 5 Draft, 看一看所舉的例子會更易明白

TinoC's Blog - [棒球]規則 5 選秀 (Rule 5 Draft, R5D)

Tribe Fan In Taiwan - 規則五選秀

Indians Prospec Iinsider - Rule 5 Draft FAQ

2008年11月13日 星期四



阿鈣 廖于誠

8局10K無失分 完封中信,中間也有高速攝影機的片段



2008年11月8日 星期六


編織年少棒球夢 - 棒球小教室-投手犯規


2008年11月1日 星期六


在PTT MLB板上看到


介紹幾位投手拿手球路的握法及投法 包括:
Tim Wakefield的knuckleball
Mariano Rivera的cut fastball
Pedro Martinez的hard curveball
Randy Johnson的slider
井川慶的change up

2008年10月23日 星期四


作者 Johnason (MilkTea) 看板 MilkTea
標題 [心得]實況野球
時間 Tue Apr 12 09:33:52 2005

※ [本文轉錄自 CobrasTalk 看板]

作者: ludwin (請同情青年失志症:P) 站內: CobrasTalk
標題: Re: 接球手感是啥鬼...
時間: Tue Apr 12 09:11:37 2005

※ 引述《ludwin (請同情青年失志症:P)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《nickyang (弱咖如我 orz)》之銘言:
: : 又變成實況野球評分大賽了...
: 微笑看著
: 先生,你評分的時候某隊是用台灣水準在評
: 其他球隊用日本水準在要求是怎樣?








或是像前年阪神突然全隊CAREER HIGH的狀況也可以做出來









※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
→ bearss:最後好像是工程統計課老師講的話喔 =_= 推 04/12

2008年10月9日 星期四

プロ野球 2段モーション投球検証

プロ野球 = 職業棒球

二段式投球 岩隈久志也不算?


有人說Dback的Doug Davis也是二段式,不知道哪裡像了 - - 在我看來似乎很順


2008年10月5日 星期日

[IEG]Assignment 4 Topic 3

Barcode was invented in the 50s and was put into use in 70s. This tiny black and white box soon becomes one of the most important reasons of the economy bloom in 20 century. You could’t see a single good that being sell in supermarket does not have a barcode label nowadays. Barcode enable real world data to be read by machine very easily. I am sure you can understand how barcode helps the society ─ just need to remember how much time you have wasted last time in supermarket when the barcode reader goes wrong and need to manually type in the price for each item. But the data that can be store in barcode is no more than a short string. And this is not good. Well, not “not good” but people would expect this tiny label could bring more convenient in many more ways other than just a price tag. In Japan, QR code is one of the solutions of this problem.

Like barcode, QR code is also an “optical machine-readable representation of data”. But it could store more much data then barcode and the 2 dimensional images allows the data stored inside to be read from any angle.

(from wiki)

You now could see QR code everywhere in Japan. Shops, websites, business card, as long as there are needs. The wide-spread of QR code is mainly due to the birth of smart phone. The new “computer/phone”allows user use their hand held mobile device to scan the item and obtain information. Item price, where can they find it, where it was made, basically just every information you may want to know.

↑ QR code for IE World URL

You could just use a camera phone to take this picture down, run a simple decoder and the next moment you will be showing the frontpage of IE World. No more typo, no more long url to be remember, no more trouble in telling the url, the convenient it brings sure is one of the reason for its success in Japan. The success of QR code is also a product of many new things that is only be around 3 to 4 years like the rising popularity of camera phones and better network connection (wifi, 3G etc). The need of improvement is always there, a real innovation that being put in the correct time and correct place have no reason for not success.

2008年10月4日 星期六

2008年9月30日 星期二

[IEG] SWOT analysis on myself

To help frame the question of how the university would affected me, here is a SWOT analysis of me, what I could do, and some things I could consider working on - in 2008 and beyond.

(S) Strength

Good Searching Technique
I am good at searching; I have been an active internet user since secondary school, and I have a system of my own to organize information. For information that I need for research, I know where I can start searching with, and locating the data and getting it is something easily for me to do.

Wide Information Base
I read a lot of tech blogs and tech news sites everyday. This helps me develop a wide and deep understanding of what is happening on the internet.

Understand the Internet trend
Compare to other students, I have a deeper understanding of how the internet is changing, for example the meaning of Web 2.0 or what do the experts in this area are studying on.

(W) Weakness

Bad Momory
I have a really bad memory. I have read thousend of articles but hardly remember any one of them. I could find everything I need near the computer but without it I would be like any normal teenagers.

Easy to get distracted
Like most of the children who grow in internet age, I never work on something long and often turn away from the original focus of interest in less than a hour.

Lack of creativity
No one would expect me to raise any new ideas; I am good at organizing information but do not have the insight to see things different.

(O) Opportunities

IEG group project
This project require students to read lots of articles and write a report on some technical issues like mobile computing. It is the best opportunities to use my research and organize skill to get the project done.

New Life
First year in university is like starting a new life, everyone are learning from a new starting line, this give fast learners an adventage over the others.

(T) Threats

Family Issue
Recently a close family member have go into hospital after tested positive for cancer. I need spend quite some time in hospital every day and this greatly affect my normal life.

Lack of time
Also due to various activity like softball team training, Information day preparation, volunteer works, all have taken up a certain amount of time that I have no other choice but to sacrifice some of my revision time.

This is the assigement 3 of IEG10001

2008年9月21日 星期日


I just saw the assignment require me to write the blog in English....Orz

I open this blog only because the course I am studying require me to. And I don't want to just put it here and let it lay and waste for a year until google decided to close it down, so I make it become my baseball notebook for saving good articles from PTT so that would not waste this place. Hope the university would allow me to write Chinese on the blog....- -"

[IEG] About Me

September 20, 2008

Mr. Howard Charney
Senior Vice President of Cisco

Dear Sir:
Recently, I attended your talk at CUHK talking entitled "Absolute Innovation" and I found it was very instructive to me. I will be finishing my course for Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Chinese University of Hong Kong in May, 2011, and mostly likely will be available for employment at that time. I am looking for the opportunity to work in your Cisco Company and under your internet developing department. I believe my knowledge and sense for the future internet trend world will help me and your company to clinch the No.1 Company in the field.

In your talk, you emphasize the important of the combination of innovation and engineering, both the software engineering and hardware engineering, which is exactly the CUHK IE department aim to train their student. I believe after 3 years I would no doubly become an all around student that could match all the requirements you require.

The biggest difference between me and other students is that I have much more experience about Web2.0. I am interested in this trend since 2005 where Hong Kong had just started to have the first generation of bloggers. I have subscribed verity of blogs, in Chinese and English, and have a wide and deep understanding about this phenomenon. Compare to those of my same, I believe my knowledge does put me above most of my classmate when talking the future internet development.

My Email is catsondbs@hotmail.com and CUHK ID is 08627801. You can find my name and digital photo at the end of this letter. I am looking forward to put my knowledge into practice in the IT field soon. I am sure my love for engineering and the energy deep in my heart could help me though the problem of lack of experience in a very short time. My contact number is 9999 0123. Thank you for your consideration.

Cheuk Wai Kit, Tony

My Digital Photo

2008年9月20日 星期六


近鐵野牛(2005年和歐力士藍浪合拼後為歐力士野牛) 野茂英雄


日美通算 459試合3023.1局201勝155敗, 防禦率3.84 三振數3119


羅德 村田兆治(1968-90)的"丟斧頭"投法

生涯 604試合3331.1局215勝177敗33救援, 防禦率3.24

2008年9月18日 星期四


